Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Brutal Workout

Remember how I said there was no soreness from Sunday's long run, well that's still true but yesterday's 60 minute workout was cut to a 40 minute one with 15 of them spent on the bike, since my legs felt like Jello from the first minute to the last minute.

I made a decision about 20 minutes in that since this was not getting any better, I would switch Wednesday's workout with Tuesdays (i.e. 60 for 40 minutes) and try the longer run tomorrow. But even slashing the workout by 33% did not help, then I just gave up at 25 minutes and rode an exercise bike for a little cross training for 15 minutes, which felt slightly better but not much better.

This post may serve as a mental note to watch these Tuesday workouts following a long run to see if I have similar issues going forwards. While I sometimes think I am 22 again, the reality is that I am 53, and my body does not bounce back from a hard effort as easily as I might pretend to think it does.

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