Wednesday, November 30, 2005

Double the Post.... Double the Fun... the Round Lake Way

Well we are in for a double bonus of posting fun today! I did two blogworthy things yesterday and both deserve a picture and a post. It could have been a trifecta Tuesday as well, but the Wooster Lake Scream-a-thon was scheduled at the same time as the Madrona Homes home owners association meeting so I went there (big sigh of relief).

Quarterly Mayors Meeting with Congresswomen Bean

Went to a nice luncheon yesterday hosted by Congresswomen Melissa Bean, who is our congressional representative in the US Congress. About 10 other Mayors attended and we had a wide ranging discussion on traffic, healthcare, immigration reform and educational issues. Overall a nice thing for the congresswomen office to organize and definitely informative and enlightening.

Madrona Homeowners Association

I was invited to speak at the Madrona Homeowners Association meeting last night at the Village Hall. I talked about some areas of concern that directly affect Madrona Homes.
  • The 120 Bypass that runs through the grassy set aside corridor in the middle of Madrona.
  • The Cedar Lake road extension and its timing and how its going to work.
  • District 46's intention to NOT staff the new school until the 2007-2008 school year. Which means the building is vacant for well over a year.
For those of you wondering what the picture means for this post its an inside joke and attendance at the meeting is how you understand it!

Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Report on The CALEA Conference

As many of you know we have been making forceful changes in the Round Lake Police department. My goal is to that the Police Department become an accredited law enforcement agency as quickly as possible. Chief Metaxa shares these goals along with myself and the village board of trustees. To this end along with numerous others changes taking place at the Round Lake PD we sent Chief Metaxa and Officer Mike Recupito to a conference in Nashville sponsored by the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies (CALEA).
CALEA was formed in 1979 by four major law enforcement organizations: the International Association of Chiefs of Police, National Organization of Black Law Enforcement Executives, National Sheriff'’s Association and the Police Executive Research Forum.

CALEA major purposes were to:
  • Establish standards of professional excellence for public safety agencies
  • Develop and administer a process for recognizing professional excellence
Goals of the Commission:
  1. Strengthen crime prevention and control capabilities
  2. Formalize essential management procedures
  3. Establish fair and nondiscriminatory personnel practices
  4. Improve service delivery
  5. Solidify interagency cooperation and coordination
  6. Boost citizen and staff confidence in agency
There are 446 law enforcement standards that are designed for all agencies regardless of size There is a 36-month self-assessment period which culminates in 5-7 day on-site assessment after self-assessment. After accreditation, there is a continuing compliance maintenance program.

The Long Term Benefits of CALEA Accreditation are:
  • Greater accountability within the agency.
  • Gives Chief of Police a proven management system of written directives, clearly defined lines of authority and routine reports that support decision making and resource allocation.
  • Liability Reduction and Stronger Defense Against Civil Lawsuits.
  • Eligible to receive discounts from liability insurance providers
  • Support from Government Officials
  • Government officials more confident in the ability of police
  • Increased Community Advocacy
  • Embodies community policing
  • Creates forum for police-community relationship
  • Recognition for Excellence
  • CALEA symbolizes professionalism, excellence and competence

Monday, November 28, 2005

Ground Breaking for the Community Church of Round Lake New Annex

Today was a very nice ceremony at the Community Church of Round Lake. They invited me to attend for their ground breaking for their $300,000 annex they are building on the south side of their existing building. Pastor Tom Curry conducted a very nice service filled with fellowship. After the service we went outside into the drizzle where I was asked to say a few words. Which of course I did! I presented the church with a nice ceremonial shovel for the ground breaking. They put the shovel to immediate use with the two most senior members of the church doing the digging (above pictures) Marrietta Eggert and Mae Backovitch did the honors with gusto. Joining me at the ceremony were Trustees Don Newby and Jerry Shaw.

Sunday, November 27, 2005

Annual Christmas House Decorating Contest

One of the very nice traditions we have in the village is the house decorating contest. Last year we had about 10 entries. Lets have more this year! The Village will be judging for the annual House Decorating between December 4th and the 10th. If you wish to have your home included in the judging, you must contact the Village between November 28th and December 2nd to have your house registered.
I know I have been a judge for a four years and I tend to prefer the homes that are "visible from space" although I am not sure the neighbors would be as positive about that. Usually the 8 village elected act as the judges and we rank each house 1st, 2nd, and 3rd and then we collate the results to determine the winner.

Saturday, November 26, 2005

Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony December 2nd at 6:30pm

The Annual Round Lake Christmas Tree Lighting Ceremony will be held on December 2nd at 6:30 pm. It's always a nice time, generally lots of kids show, we have hot chocolate and snacks and we have a special visitor from the North Pole to talk to the kids. In addition the Round Lake High School Choir will sing Christmas music.

The tree lighting will be at the Village Hall. We all look forward to seeing you there!

ADDENDUM: When I get the names of the entries I will post them so residents can drive around and look at them. I am also going to investigate having a post where residents can vote on my blog for their favorites. See what happens when I run on a treadmill. Actual good ideas!

Friday, November 25, 2005

Regional Planning Board Started for Chicagoland 6 County Area

The Regional Planning Board was created through legislation that unanimously passed both houses of the Illinois General Assembly and was signed into law by Gov. Rod Blagojevich on August 8, 2005. The RPB will combine the previously separate transportation and land-use planning agencies for northeastern Illinois into a single entity designed to protect natural resources and minimize traffic congestion as the seven-county region plans for the 21st Century and beyond.

The new agency will combine the Chicago Area Transportation Study (CATS) and the Northeastern Illinois Planning Commission (NIPC). CATS has been the federally designated metropolitan planning organization since 1955, and NIPC has been the region'’s comprehensive planning agency since 1957.

The Lake County Representative is Elliot Hartstein Mayor of Buffalo Grove. He is quite energetic and will be an excellent representative for our county.

Thursday, November 24, 2005

Turkey Trot Today was More Like an Ice Trot

Well I drove to Crystal Lake and warmed up by stretching in the car. I also put every stitch of warm-up clothing I had on to run to the palm tree! Ha! The only palm tree I saw was when I was hallucinating while my hair froze through my ski cap. Talk about cold!
Anyway for those keeping score (I am) I finished 158th of roughly 350 people with a time of 32:30. Slow, but it was into the wind for the first two miles and exposed so it was slow going and the best I could do was get the first two miles in 21:00 minutes, I did better in the last 1.1 miles which was a positive but it was also downwind!

Happy Thanksgiving Day!!!!

On behalf of the village I hope everyone has a marvelous Thanksgiving day. I am getting an early start on burning the calories I will consume by racing. I am running in a 5K race in Crystal Lake at 8:00 am sharp hosted by the Hillstriders Running Club at Lippold Park in Crystal Lake at 8:00 a.m. sharp. There is no registration and the entry fee is any non-perishable food items which will be donated to the Crystal Lake Food Pantry.

For those of you who know I am goal oriented I want to get under 28 minutes. Which is roughly a 9 minute mile pace. The course is flat but it is also a path, so it might be muddy which is not good but you deal with the hand you are dealt. Cool weather is conducive to going fast (relatively speaking in my case) so all signs are pointing upwards.

Wednesday, November 23, 2005

The New Deputy Chief Francis Foy Sworn in at the Last Board Meeting

At Monday's board meeting we formalized Officer Francis Foy's step up into the Deputy Chief Position by swearing him in. Chief Cliff Metaxa read a short statement talking about how Francis had grown as an officer and talked about most of his awards were actually won by "Sniper" his canine partner! Kidding aside Francis is the future of the Round Lake Police Department, he represents what is best about the young talented set of officers we are and have recruited over the last few years. Chief Metaxa's appointment of Francis send a clear message of a modern, professional police department in the village. The ceremony was attended by quite a few of Francis' family and friends as well as Round Lake officers and officers from other departments.

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

New Director of Public Works

This Monday I appointed a new Director of Public Works Davis Clark. Davis has been with us for over a decade and was the most impressive candidate that we interviewed. Davis is a Round Lake resident (Bright Meadows) and is just what the village was looking for, aggressive, bright and full of ideas! Our former Director Charlie Olsen has moved to a newly created position as Superintendent of Roads reporting to the Director of Public Works. Please join me in welcoming Davis to the new corner office at the Public Works department!

Monday, November 21, 2005

Village Server is Under my Blog is on hiatus for a few days!

The village is having new servers installed over the holiday and once we are up and running on the server its going to take 48 to 72 hours to propagate throughout the internet. In addition it might be hard for me to publish to the blog so, I am on an enforced vacation and my streak of 208 straight days comes to an end I fear!

Thanksgiving Service

I went to the Round Lake Area Thanksgiving Service yesterday evening. It was very nice. There were 9 participating churches from the area. All of them contributed to the service in some fashion. I saw quite a few elected officials and friends among them Round Lake Park Mayor Ila Bauer, Hainesville Mayor Ted Mueller, Round Lake Beach Trustee Judy Armstrong, Round Lake Trustee's Jerry Shaw and Don Newby, Round Lake Library District Vice President Linda Kauffman, former Round Lake Clerk Lillian Frost, and I am sure many more I missed.
The picture is of the Round Lake High School Choir who were marvelous. All in all a wonderful celebration of the season!

Sunday, November 20, 2005

Quick Reminder on Today's Service

Over the last few years the area church's have banded together to have a non-denominational service for the community. They are trying purposely to not make it a service only for "church" people but a service for the majority of the residents of the area. They are having it at the Round Lake High School Theatre on Sunday afternoon, 4:30 P.M. Nov. 20th. Please join me in attending this service this afternoon.

Saturday, November 19, 2005

Confucius says.....

Do not ask a 16 year old High School cross-country runner and swim team member to go for a 3 mile jog when you are a 46 year old man. Because a jog for them is a run for you, and an all out run as well. 27 minutes and a handful of seconds. One member of the "joggers" was not winded, the other was gasping. No points for guessing which runner is which in the above scenario. At least my daughter had the decency to not go for a 2 mile run as a cool down right in front of me.

I am running in the Crystal Lake 5k Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving day. So this was to be a blow out and I am going to taper down to Thanksgiving morning. My goal is under 28 minutes for the 5K. On the basis of this run I think I should be able to get it done.

Guns and Booze

A lethal mix? One would think so, it was with surprise that I read this article about guns, booze and the FBI Gun Range. What were they thinking? I am not suprised they are investigating the "protocol" of doing this. Plus throw in the Chicago Bears and what do you have?

Friday, November 18, 2005

Come Celebrate Thanskgiving with the Round Lake Church Community!

Oliver Wendell Homes once said,
"It is now the moment when by common consent we pause to become conscious of our national life and to rejoice in it, to recall what our country has done for each of us, and to ask ourselves what we can do for our country."

Over the last few years the area church's have banded together to have a non-denominational service for the community. They are trying purposely to not make it a service only for "church" people but a service for the majority of the residents of the area. They are having it at the Round Lake High School Theatre on Sunday afternoon, 4:30 P.M. Nov. 20th.

I would strongly urge all of you to consider attending, its a marvelous idea and is a wonderful brand of fellowship. Please join me in attending this Sunday.

Thursday, November 17, 2005

The King and I

What do these two handsome men have in common? Do they have low digit license plates? Well yes they do, but that's not it! Do they both have badges? Well yes they do, but that's not it either. Are they both Mayors? Well yes they are, but that's still not it! So what do they have in common? They are the only two Blogging Mayors in Illinois! The gentlemen on the right (I am the one on the left) is Mayor Jim Willey of Elburn, his blog is where it all got started for me, when I discovered his blog late last year I was sold on the concept! So yesterday I made a pilgrimage to the master to learn "grasshopper style" the art of blogging!

Wednesday, November 16, 2005

We Interrupt this Blog to Talk about Indoor Track and Field

As many of my loyal readers know I am a budding Masters Track and Field competitor. I have convinced two other local Round Lake residents (who shall remain nameless since I did not ask them if I could reveal there identity) to go to the Ted Haydon Indoor Track and Field Meet at the University of Chicago. I am going to compete in the Long Jump, Shot Put, 55 meters, 200 meters and the 400 meters. The meet is on the 17th of December and it takes place most of the day. Entry fees are $6 per event so its easy to go and they have day of meet registration.

By the way the picture is of me running the 400 meters early this year at an indoor meet in Sterling Illinois. (1:15 was the time). There is a reason there are no other competitors are in the picture, but I prefer not to go into those sordid details.

If any one is interested in going along to compete December 17th, let me know, the more the merrier! Plus who knows world records might await!

Tuesday, November 15, 2005

Spoke to the District 46 Board of Education last night

I have a standing offer to all the taxing bodies that are inside the Village boundaries to come talk to them any time they want. Last night I went to Community Consolidated District 46 regular board meeting to talk to the board of education at the invitation of the new Superintendent Ellen Correll. Over the last 4 plus years I have been to all but two of the 9 school district's in Round Lake board meetings. Some of the meetings have been "hot" but always enjoyable!

Tonight's meeting was calm we discussed 5 things that impact the district todayand will impact district 46 in the future.
  • Route 120 Bypass
  • Cedar Lake Road Extension
  • Future Development
  • The Southwest Quadrant of our comprehensive plan
  • The Ryland commercial land
We also talked about the best way forward to rebuild the two way communication channel that we had with the last schools administration. By the way the picture is of the ground breaking for the new school being built by the district in Round Lake on Townline Road. The school will not open soon enough in my opinion.

Monday, November 14, 2005

Long Day Today

Today was Bob Hunsingers funeral, I am still stunned that he is gone. It never ceases to amaze me how many people knew and loved Bob, and exactly how many lives he touched. The funeral was officiated by Reverend Lisle Kaufmann and as always Lisle touched on the exact issues that made Bob so special.

Some Excellent News for Parking at the Long Lake Metra Station

A few months ago I wrote about the CMAQ Grant for the Long Lake Metra Station. We had a meeting last week with the Metra designer for a first look at the plan.

We will have 310 spots for the Long Lake station. The picture here is an overlay of the neighborhood in Valley Lakes that will not be built (created by John Gutknecht of Valley Lakes). If you want more details of the who, what, where, why and how my prior blog article on this gives an in-depth look at it.

Okay what does this do for us? Well it gets us two major parking nodes for the village. In the downtown we have existing 360 spots with the addition of 310 spots we will have 670 spots. Then when you add in about 100 news spots at the Round Lake Station with the Public Works move coming soon. In addition the current proposal for our Downtown has an additional 350 spots in two parking garages. Which puts us over 1,000 spaces at 2 stations. Metra's station studies indicate that basically when you build a parking space it will be parked in. Downtown we average 95% occupancy in our parking.

Sunday, November 13, 2005

IHSA Girls Swimming sectional

Yesterday I was at the Lake Forest High School watching the Grant High School Girls Swim team. My daughter Denise swims on the team which is in its second year. They did very well for being the smallest team,5 girls, in this sectional. In addition Grant has no pool so all the girls swim for club teams when they can. All the girls are school record holders, and broke all the school records they all set last year. Megan Weber missed out by fractions of a second from the state qualifying time in the 100 yard breast stroke. It would have been nice to send her downstate in the programs second year.

Sadly my camera did not grab the light very well so we have some blurring I am trying to get one of the other parents who took similar pictures to replace this blurry one.

Saturday, November 12, 2005

New Deputy Chief Named

This week the village board passed an ordinance reorganizing the Police Department. Basically what was done was rewriting an ordinance that had not been reviewed in 20 years. Chief Metaxa recognized the need for a flatter more effective organizational command structure and is slowly but surely implementing it.

After the passage of the ordinance, Chief Metaxa acted to appoint officer Francis Foy to be Deputy Chief of the Police Department. Francis has been with the department for a few years now and is probaly best known to residents as our canine officer with "Sniper" as his partner.

I am quite pleased that Francis has moved into this essential command position because his enthusiasm for the road will allow us to move forward with the modernization of our Police Force. So congratulations are in order when you see Deputy Chief Francis Foy!

Friday, November 11, 2005

The Round Lake Area has Lost a Very Dear Friend and a Wonderful Man.

The Round Lake Area received some very sad news yesterday. Bob Hunsinger passed away well before his time. Those of us who knew Bob, knew he was one of the most giving and friendly people who ever walked on this earth. His daughter Maggie and my daughter went through Girl Scouts together, cheerleading, volleyball and swim team. Which is where I met Bob, and not once in all those years was Bob not actively involved helping the community, the troop or team or just pitching in. His energy and drive were always inspiring. Even when he was sick and tired, he was right there pitching in. His nickname with the Round Lake Duck Swim Team was Mr. Fix-it. He was always quick with a joke or a smile, and I know I will miss him greatly, the community will miss him and more then anything his family. Sharon, Maggie and Matt our prayers are with you through this very difficult time in your lives!

Thursday, November 10, 2005

Technical Issues

We have some problems with the commenting system today after installing my "new look" so until that gets fixed enjoy the "one way traffic."

Fun Day at Village School

I spent yesterday at Village School talking to a couple of classes of 4th, 5th and 6th graders. I had a great time, the kids all asked some marvelous questions. I gave a souvenir key to the village to the kid who asked the best question which is the first picture in the ones above. Then I took some complete class shots of the two classes. I always enjoy the energy the kids provide and of course being a 46 year old kid myself I get into it as well. One of the classes provided me with the now traditional "basket-o-questions" which consisted of excellent questions. I found Trustee Del Prato's doppleganger in one class, who grilled me on the methods of city government we use in the village and why! Very impressive to say the least.

Wednesday, November 9, 2005

High School Student Exchange Program

A former Round Lake resident Shannon Watson contacted me about the program she works on which coordinates High School Student exchanges in the area. She asked me if I could help find a placement for some students. To read about the program go to the website for the CIEE. This link will take you to a PDF about one of the students in the area from Johnsburg.

Would you like to learn more about another part of the world? Would you like to share your culture and traditions with someone else? High school students from around the world will be arriving in August to study at area high schools and live with local families. Caring families who will provide meals, a bed, and love are greatly needed!

Please contact Shannon Watson at 847-973-1457 or via email at to find out how you can help.
  • Students arrive mid-August and stay until the end of the school year.
  • They do have a few students who only come for one semester (either August-January or January-June), but most are 10-month program
  • Host families provide the students with a place to sleep (students can share rooms with same-gender siblings, close in age is preferable), meals, and general love and support. The students come with their own spending money for school fees, toiletries, etc. They also all have medical insurance.
  • They have students from many places (Sweden, Germany, Thailand, Korea, Slovakia, Poland, Macedonia, Israel, Russia, Ukraine, Brazil, to name a few). Some of them are here on a regular program (i.e. their parents are paying for it) and a few are here on a very competitive US State Department scholarship -- students from the Middle East and former Soviet Union -- and are here to learn about democracy, volunteerism, and free enterprise.

Tuesday, November 8, 2005

Lake Forest Hospital's Care Coach!

Last week I stopped by the Lake Forest Hospital Care Coach and had my blood sugar and blood pressure checked by a nurse in the Care Coach! They come to the Round Lake Area District about once a month or so. The next scheduled visit is December 1, from 10:00 to 1:00pm.
They give you your results right on the spot! I was fine for those of you interested in the Mayor's physical well being! For addtional information please contact Michael Smith who is the CareCoach Coordinator for the Lake Forest Hospital.


At some point this morning unique user number 30,000 will visit this blog. Thats an average of 146 a day in the 205th day of the blog. I am averaging 400-450 unique users a weekday right now, although sometimes its hard to get an exact average becuase usage drops on the weekends. But I wrote my 20,000 unique user article roughly one month ago so you can do the math if you like. Although I already have!

Monday, November 7, 2005

Article in Saturdays's Daily Herald

Rt. 120 bypass will be built, mayor assures

Posted Saturday, November 05, 2005

Two central Lake County mayors hope to capitalize on an emerging consensus to improve Route 120.

Round Lake Mayor Bill Gentes and Grayslake Mayor Tim Perry are leading an effort to create a corridor planning council for the road. They say it would do much of the groundwork for the desired improvements.

“The first phase of a road program is called the ‘phase one engineering.’ It maps out the corridor, gets the logistics out of the way. It’s a big picture look, if you will,” Gentes said. “That’s what we want to accomplish.”

In September, during a transportation summit staged by the Lake County Partners, work on the Route 120 bypass emerged as the main desired regional road improvement.

Perry said there’s a good reason for that.

“Grayslake and Round Lake are the most directly impacted. But it’s not just those residents getting bogged down in traffic, it’s the entire county,” he said. “It impacts every business in central Lake County, as well as the rest of the county.”

Gentes said the planning council ideally would consist of leaders from 11 communities along Route 120 and the proposed bypass, along with the five county board members whose districts include the road.

The bypass would be a four-lane divided highway running about 7.5 miles between Wilson and Almond roads south of Route 120. Cost estimates range up to $500 million.

Gentes said each municipality would pony up $5,000 to get the effort rolling and be expected to make its professional staff available for the project.

Most of the municipalities contacted have indicated they’d join the council, Gentes said.

“If we come up with every community on the corridor, every county board member and we’re all saying ‘yes’ and present it to our legislators and banged the public relations drum, it would be very difficult for the state to not put that very high on the priority list,” he said.

Perry said the need for improving Route 120 is too important for decision-makers to ignore.

“Transportation is the No. 1 impediment to the expansion of the local economy and our nonresidential tax base,” he said. “If business users identify that they can’t move goods, services, employees or customers through the area, they could make the decision to hopscotch over Lake County.”

Gentes said he expects the council to begin its work in January, with an eye toward presenting its information to the Illinois Department of Transportation and local legislators next fall.

“I think all of us speaking together in one voice will cause Lake County to get our fair share (of transportation funding),” he said. “The Route 120 bypass will be built.”

Friday, November 4, 2005

An Education on Lady Bugs!

Today we are going to learn about Lady Bugs, while I was out in the big garden today I found in the hollow of a tree an enormous number of Lady Bugs. I did a little research on how they transition from the seasons and what kind of impact we can expect from them. So I went on the internet and here is what I found.

Ladybugs are more than just pretty visitors to your backyard garden. Ladybugs may seem unimportant to us, but to some people like farmers they make a big difference. Farmers heavily rely on their eating habits. For many crop growers, it is essential for ladybugs to be present. This is because crops are not bug-free; they are literally infested with insects like aphids that love to eat plants. For ladybird's this is a haven because each stay brings a full-course meal. While lady beetles' feast, farmers find an easy way of protecting their crops and making money. In this way, they have a mutual relationship. How cool is that!

Village School PTO Festival Update

The Village School PTO had a Festival about 6 months ago where you could test drive a car from Gurnee Dodge. Shelley Trump the President of the PTO sent me this picture of the PTO Board posing with representatives of Gurnee Dodge, who donated $10 for each test drive that was taken at the festival. There were 67 test drives (one was by me) which raised $670 dollars and then Gurnee Dodge donated an additional $50 for the publicity efforts. Great job! The money will be used! They have a mime assembly scheduled for November 15 to teach the children about writing stories. We also have several class field trips this fall to the Lake County Discovery Museum. The money will help to pay for these activities!

Thursday, November 3, 2005

Traffic Counts at 7 Intersections

The Village Board recently ordered new traffic counts on seven intersections in Round Lake. We did this for the International Shopping Center Show we attended last week. However I think its instructive to see what those numbers are and how they have changed since the last time we did this study in 2003. We use these numbers extensively for our discussions with commercial land owners to help them with thier marketing efforts.

The seven intersections are as follows:
134 and Fairfield-- 24,156 cars a day an increase of 13%
134 and Cedar Lake Road-- 19,364 cars a day an increase of 10%
120 and Wilson-- 25,246 cars a day an increase of 8%
120 and Fairfield-- 30,221 cars a day an increase of 8%
120 and Wildspring-- 19,598 cars a day an increase of 22%
60 and Fairfield-- 24,110 cars a day an increase of 3%
60 and Bacon-- 19,202 cars a day an increase of 9%

These numbers are one of a series of numbers used by retailers to determine market suitability for store placement. The other major ones are population figures from the census (the village has done one special census where we went from 5,400, to 10,100 and is doing another in the spring where we anticipate being in the 14-15,000 range), household income, and population inside of radius circles of 1, 3 and 5 miles. By the way I fully intend to blog more about this is the next few weeks.

Wednesday, November 2, 2005

11 Steps for Protecting Yourself from Identity Theft

This last weekend Congresswomen Melissa Bean hosted a forum on Identity Theft at the Round Lake Village Hall. The event was held with about 50 attendees, and quite frankly gave me some room for increasing the day to day paranoia that your friendly neighborhood mayor operates in! Like I need more of that. The speakers (picture at left) were quite informative and left the audience with a lot of good ideas on how to protect yourself. Her office graciously provided me with a list of the 11 steps to protect you from Identity Theft.
  1. Do not give out personal information to unsolicited internet sources.
  2. Always use up-to-date anti-virus and firewall software.
  3. Never give out personal data over the phone—sign up for the Do Not Call Registry at to protect yourself from scammers and telemarketers.
  4. Keep sensitive documents in a safe location and out of plain sight.
  5. Take all outgoing mail to a secure mailbox, if youÂ’re able to.
  6. Shred any sensitive material that goes into the trash can.
  7. Limit the number of cards that you carry in your wallet.
  8. Restrict the use and distribution of your Social Security number as much as possible.
  9. Carefully review your monthly statements.
  10. Request a free credit report from at least once a year.
  11. Consider placing a fraud alert on your credit report if you notice unusual transactions or if your information should become compromised.
For more information please contact Congresswoman Melissa Bean:
In Illinois:
Phone: 847-519-3434
Fax: 847-519-3436

In Washington, DC:
Phone: 202-225-3711
Fax: 202-225-7830

Tuesday, November 1, 2005

Mayor Blogs on Traffic Congestion from the Future-- 2030

As a follow up to the post on Housing and Jobs the same presentation had a portion dedicated to traffic congestion The first graphic above is traffic in 1996, the second and more troubling graphic is the one of the traffic congestion in 2030. Again a reason to push traffic improvements and the 120 bypass! Do I sound like a broken record. By the way as near as I can tell, Round Lake is right near the L in Lake county on the graphics.

If anyone is interested in the complete slide show I made it into a PKzip file with each slide as a jpeg It's 2.7mb in size!

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