Wednesday, November 9, 2005

High School Student Exchange Program

A former Round Lake resident Shannon Watson contacted me about the program she works on which coordinates High School Student exchanges in the area. She asked me if I could help find a placement for some students. To read about the program go to the website for the CIEE. This link will take you to a PDF about one of the students in the area from Johnsburg.

Would you like to learn more about another part of the world? Would you like to share your culture and traditions with someone else? High school students from around the world will be arriving in August to study at area high schools and live with local families. Caring families who will provide meals, a bed, and love are greatly needed!

Please contact Shannon Watson at 847-973-1457 or via email at to find out how you can help.
  • Students arrive mid-August and stay until the end of the school year.
  • They do have a few students who only come for one semester (either August-January or January-June), but most are 10-month program
  • Host families provide the students with a place to sleep (students can share rooms with same-gender siblings, close in age is preferable), meals, and general love and support. The students come with their own spending money for school fees, toiletries, etc. They also all have medical insurance.
  • They have students from many places (Sweden, Germany, Thailand, Korea, Slovakia, Poland, Macedonia, Israel, Russia, Ukraine, Brazil, to name a few). Some of them are here on a regular program (i.e. their parents are paying for it) and a few are here on a very competitive US State Department scholarship -- students from the Middle East and former Soviet Union -- and are here to learn about democracy, volunteerism, and free enterprise.

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