Sunday, April 30, 2006

Scenes from a Succesful Arbor Day

During my reading of the proclamation declaring yesterday Arbor Day I told everyone exactly how tall I expected the trees donated by Lurvey's to be. The picture below shows you exactly how big they really were, between 7-8 feet! Huge huge thanks to Lurveys! In addition thanks to Trustee Sherry Perkowitz (above) who organized the whole thing, with an eye on making Round Lake a Tree City!
Here are the sizes of the trees donated by Lurvey's. What a wonderful surprise when we saw them. Special thanks to Davis Clark our Director of Public Works who helped organize the delivery along with Kevin Hedlund from Public Works who helped out as well.
I would guess there were well over a 100 people there. I saw way to many people to name. I will observe that the crowds seem to be growing at all our events and that's a good thing.

Due to the size trees went home in odd ways, including through sun roofs as well!

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