Friday, June 3, 2005

Round Lake Middle School Graduation

Tonight was one of the nicer ceremonies I get to attend each year and that's graduation! This was the graduation ceremony from the Round Lake Middle School. The village of Round Lake is home to 9 different school districts, the only cerremonies I ever get invited to are the ones held by District 116. I so wish the other districts would at least recognize that Round Lake can and will participate with them as part of our school community (however that's for another post!).

There were well over 300 graduates and the High School gym was packed with teachers, friends and most importantly family. When Principal Paul Flatley introduced the gradauting class there was a deafening roar of noise from the crowd.

Senior Trustee Don Newby and yours truly were the only elected officials other then the school board in attendance so Don qualified for the all important mugshot (shown above).

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