Hunger in America Study 2001 The statistical profile of local neighbors who visit Food Pantries, Soup Kitchens and Shelters in the area served by Northern Illinois Food Bank and its Agencies show these key characteristics: - 46.4% of the members of households served by Northern Illinois Food Bank are children under 18 years old.
- 11.9% of the members of households served by Northern Illinois Food Bank are children age 0 to 5 years.
- 7.6% are elderly over 65 years old.
- Approximately 63.0% of clients are white; 24.5% are African American, and the remainder from other racial or ethnic groups of which 17% are Hispanic.
- 48.8% of households include at least 1 employed adult.
- 64.0% have incomes below the official federal poverty level
- Only 1.8% receives any type of public Welfare assistance.
- 4.3% are homeless
One in Ten people in Illinois is Food Insecure U.S. Department of Agriculture defines food insecure people as those who do not have regular access to enough safe, nutritious food for an active and healthy life. These households have reduced quality and variety of meals, and may have irregular food intake.
Some causes behind Hunger in the suburbs The causes behind the growth in need for Food Assistance are numerous, but these factors are major contributors:
- As of January 2004, the Chicago and Northern Illinois Counties continue to lead Nation in unemployment at 6.3%.
- Increase in number of single parent households where income is not sufficient to support children properly.
- Elderly population is increasing due to longevity of life, and in some instances living longer that their resources.
- Population growth has brought with it the working poor that cannot keep pace with expenses of living in today's modern suburban areas.
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