Wednesday, June 8, 2005

Potluck Dessert with the Mayor

Yesterday I attended the "One Big Table Potluck Lunch" at Trinity International University. About 60 people attended including State Senators Link and Garrett along with Representative May. The various speakers talked about how to effect change and I realized that the change needs to be affected by people like you and me.

As I sat there I was stuck by my ability to make a difference a change. So the First lady and I are going to participate and host a "One Big Table Potluck To End Hunger" at our house on July 30th at my house from 5pm to 8pm. The theme will be desserts! The donations will go to the Northern Illinois Food Bank with a focus on the pantries in Grant Township and Avon Township.

Help End Hunger One Potluck at a Time!

Welcome to the America'’s Second Harvest —The Nation'’s Food Bank Network One Big Table Potluck Website. One Big Table Potluck is a national movement designed to find the best amateur cooks around the country while raising awareness and funds for hungry Americans.

Between April 20 and September 15, 2005, thousands of One Big Table Potlucks will take place around the country. Any individual or organization can host a One Big Table Potluck at home, church, work, school or other location by inviting friends or family, colleagues and others to attend your potluck, submit a recipe and raise money for hunger-relief.

Each potluck host will identify a “winning recipe that will be submitted to a national recipe contest. Top national winners from each recipe category —heirloom, regional, personal best, and stone soup —may be featured in a cookbook written by Molly O'’Neill, former food columnist for the New York Times, that is scheduled to be published in 2007.

See this space for more details! My goal is to see if we can raise $10,000 for hunger in America.

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