Thursday, March 16, 2006

Round Lakes Acting Mayor

Last night we had the Downtown Development Board meeting which was attended by exactly two members of the public. Michael Blum the President of Madrona's HOA and his daughter The Honorable Madison Blum who has appeared in my blog before when I attended a Halloween gathering at Madrona's park last October (in costume). She sat there very patiently for 2 hours before she decided that enough was enough and she moved up and took the meeting over! Banging the gavel with some serious authority at the end of the meeting so she could go home! It took her 5 minutes!
So she has set some serious records by presiding last night, the first women Mayor of Round Lake, the youngest (I used to be, darn it all) and the 14th Mayor in 98 years! Quite wisely she kept quiet as well! I think she may be known as the "Quiet Mayor" when the history of Round Lake is written!

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