Friday, March 17, 2006

Death and Taxes

I stumbled across this marvelous graphic chart of where our federal tax dollars go on the blog site called Boing Boing with a link to the artist named Mibi who does things like these graphic representations of our federal budget. (Large readable version 1.8MB is here.) The size of this file filled up my screen and then some but by scrolling around you could see the detail involved. The size of the circles is the proportion of the budget that each agency takes. Kind of startling! Some of the funding had me asking questions almost immediately.

Mr. Mibi (?) says "A visual look at where your tax dollars go. Most people are unaware of how much of their taxes fund our military, and those aware are often misinformed. Well here it is. Laid out, easy to read and compare. With data straight from the White House."

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