Thursday, June 29, 2006

Supermarket Coming Soon?

Last Tuesday the property owners of the Synnesvedt parcel on 3 corners of the 120 and Fairfield intersection appeared in front of the Village's Planning and Zoning Commission (Read Daily Herald article here). Thier proposal for the 300 plus acre project includes roughly 500 homes and more importantly 70 acres of commercial property. The bulk of the commercial is going to be owned by Jewel and of course the centerpiece is a Jewel supermarket. Some of the project highlights are:
  • A set aside for the 120 bypass on the southern end of the project.
  • The three corners of the project on Fairfield and 120 will have the commercial with the bulk of the commercial being on the NW corner.
  • There are 11 outlots on the NW side of the property along Fairfield and 120.
I would like to emphasize that this is still a concept and needs to work its way through approvals at the village planning commission and then the village board.

If you want to see a PDF of the tentative site plan please email me at its an 11 x 17 black and white rendering but you can get a good understanding of it however.

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