Friday, June 30, 2006

Police Outreach and Training

The Round Lake Police Department recently hosted the Waukegan Fire Department Bomb Squad for two training sessions. Each member of the patrol and investigations sections of the police department attended the training which included a demonstration of the bomb robot (that would be the picture) and a lengthy discussion about the protocol for the deployment of the bomb squad. The members of the police department enjoyed the training and were very impressed with the technology and the capabilities of the robot. The next time there is a suspicious package in the Village of Round Lake, you can be sure that the bomb squad will be called out to handle the situation.

The Police Department also hosted two training sessions with the Lake County Metropolitan Enforcement Group (MEG) this week. The purpose of the training sessions was to familiarize the officers, detectives and command staff with the operations of MEG and to introduce our MEG liaison. There were three MEG agents who conducted the presentation, which was approximately an hour and a half long. Our staff now knows exactly who to contact and how to contact them when they develop a street contact that could lead to drug arrests, etc.

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