Monday, January 9, 2006

The Proposed Route 120 Bypass

As promised earlier here is a map of the 120 bypass as it was constituted when it was a part of the Route 53 bypass a few years ago. The picture above is a rough JPEG of this PDF file of about 1.4 MB.

NOTE: for some reason I can't get the PDF to post here, so email me and I will send you the file

A few disclaimers on the map as you look at it.
  • The final version of the route will more then likely not be on this path. There are points that it will have to go through. Such as where it crosses Wildspring in Round Lake.
  • All the improvements around intersections are also provisional. In other words how the exits and entrances from the bypass will actually appear is highly speculative.
  • This is not I repeat not the Route 53 bypass, it is the 120 Bypass.
However in the absence of anything else this shows the intent of the 120 Corridor Planning Council (120 CPC) towards developing a "Pre Phase One Engineering Plan" for IDOT and our State and Federal Legislators. My guess is that this will take us about 18 months.

Next Wednesday the 11th at 7pm is the set-up meeting of the 120 CPC which will adopt the bylaws of the organization, elect officers and get a committee structure manned and moving. Once the housekeeping is done, the 120 CPC will meet on a more formal basis on a regular schedule. Since we are a public entity we will certainly be open to the public and of course entertain public comment. In addition we will be having public hearings where we will actively invite public comment on the plan as the process goes forward. The regular board meetings of the 120 CPC will be held at the new Round Lake Police and Public Works facility at the corner of Bacon and Townline Road in Round Lake.

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