Friday, May 20, 2005

Golf and Prizes

Well yesterday was the Friends of the Round Lake Area Park District Golf Outing. The foursome I was in shot a 2 under par 70. We were carried by Kurt Anderson, the superintendent for district 46 schools. He was excellent!

What I excelled at was the raffles afterwards, winning 9 different prizes with my 25 tickets. I won a pedicure, 2 gallons of paint, some kids toys, an overnight stay at the Lincolnshire Marriott, a rum and coke party pack, a bath kit with oils and stuff, and some pool passes that my spouse made me give back and of course I won two tries at throwing a dart at a balloon, where I successfully humiliated myself by missing both times. Later attempts by others were worse I am happy to report. I am in the process of redistributing my loot since two of the prizes were won by others in my foursome who had to leave early!

The paint was the most worrisome prize, since it means we will be repainting inside the house in the near future, which means more work for me.

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