Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Day 66 is here!

So today is day 66 of my training program. Why is this significant? Because when I started this 20 week program, the race was 132 days away. 66 is half way there! Kind of daunting at the time, but it seems to have gone by so fast. I have not missed any running during the first half, I have however cut some runs short, for a variety of issues. The total miles I have shorted myself is 5, which I am okay with. The only days I have missed were my weight training days, which were not part of the training program in any event, and I have missed 4 of them.

I am not however, halfway there in mileage, the program has 460 miles total, and I am at 170 through week 9. Week 9 was my first 30 mile week, the next weeks are 32, 30, 28, 22, 29, 27, 39, then 22, 21 and then 35 (race day included).

I have been able to handle my goal pace pretty well, which is pointing towards a 5:30 marathon. The pace is roughly 12:30, my Wednesday and Thursday runs are all about pacing and tempo, with the Saturday run generally about speed and repeats, and the Sunday run being long and slow distance type runs.

I have experimented with a couple of different Galloway Run/Walk options, a 3 minute run and a 1 minute walk seems to work well, recently I have been doing a .35 mile run and a .15 mile walk concept that is basically a 4/2.20 run walk, which is also comfortable and seemingly effective.

Hopefully I handle the second half as well as the first half!

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