Tuesday, August 1, 2006

Train Station Improvements

One of the goals of my administration has been to improve our Metra station. We have been able to get funding for improvements to the Long Lake Metra Station via a CMAQ grant recently. Hopefully we will be adding over 200 spaces to that station along with a walking path connecting it to Valley Lakes.

We also applied for funding, and got it, via the federal government's Transportation Equity Act for the 21st Century provides money for state Transportation Enhancement Programs (ITEP in Illinois). The idea is to enhance transportation systems while building more livable communities and improving the quality of life. NOTE: For the life of me I can't recall how much money we got, its way to early in the morning for that type of thinking!

Davis Clark our Director of Public Works and our Engineering department recently met with IDOT to kick-off the ITEP funded Metra Corridor Beautification and Pedestrian Access project that we recently received funding for.

The scope of work we are comptemplating is as follows:

  • Concrete bin and foundation removal.
  • Embankment replacement and general grading & leveling and seed the site north of the tracks.
  • Extension of paver sidewalk north of the tracks along the west side of Cedar Lake Road.
  • Construct an ornamental fence along, and parallel to, the north side of the tracks to prohibit pedestrians crossing at a non-controlled section of the tracks.
  • Provide tree and shrub landscaping along the north side of the tracks and possibly additional street lights if necessary.

In accordance with the terms of the ITEP fund, the Village can be reimbursed for 80% of the cost for Phase II engineering for the project. However, the village may opt to pay 100% of the engineering which would provide more Federal dollars toward construction and also eliminate the need for an additional agreement to be processed allowing engineering to begin in a more timely fashion. So as you can see the village board has some say on how we proceed and at what speed.

I have a very preliminary concept plan here which might be tough to see but it gives you and idea of what we are thinking about. Please email me at bgentes@eroundlake.com for a copy.

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