Sunday, October 16, 2005

Sailing Trophy Arrives Unexpectedly

Last night Bill Schmidt and I were presented with the William Schmidt Sr. Trophy which goes to the winner of the Friday night racing series at the Long Lake Yacht Club. We were awarded this trophy at the annual dinner held last night in Antioch at the Antioch Country Club.

What made the trophy special was that the trophy is in memory of Bill Schmidt's dad and Bill Jr. was the first winner of the trophy way back when. However this is now the second time Bill's name is on the plaque. We keep the trophy for a year, and I snuck out of the celebrations first and commandeered the trophy for myself for the winter. I owe it all to the boat and the skipper!

I had no idea I was winning anything until a few days ago, so this came as a surprise, because clearly I would have blogged about this momentous event much sooner!

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