Monday, April 28, 2008

Hey its Three Years Since the First Post

This weekend the blog turned three! It started off as one thing and has slowly morphed into something else entirely. As many of you know I write another blog, although not as often as this one at my Senate site (, and I have been giving serious consideration towards moving this blog to that location where I could write a little bit more freely on issues and give my opinions.

However since this is a birthday post, I will break down the blog by the numbers. With some observations thrown in for good measure.
  • Over 1,000 posts and 8,000 comments have appeared on the screens of my readers
  • The average number of unique users hovers between 1,100 and 1,500.
  • Most of you read the blog in a period between 7am and 9am, or from noon to 1pm. The lunch crowd is almost all from work type domains!
  • 474,326 total visitors to the site since its inception (Its actually more but I switched counters and lost some numbers about 2 years ago).
  • Those visitors stay an average of 63 seconds.
  • The most commented post was one of the school posts about a year ago (I can't find it right now) but it had 273 comments on it.
No matter where I go people tell me they love and read the blog. I was at a campaign event last night in Long Grove and someone told me they read it every day (checking on Route 53). That never fails to get a smile from me when someone notices!

Recently I have not been posting on weekends since I am a wee bit busy, and I don't think the blog has been as good recently (although readership is climbing) but two of my most "enjoyable to write" posts ever were written this month (April Fools and Pumpkins on the Run) so go figure!

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