Saturday, November 18, 2006

Thanksgiving Service this Sunday--Being Thankful!

Oliver Wendell Homes once said, "It is now the moment when by common consent we pause to become conscious of our national life and to rejoice in it, to recall what our country has done for each of us, and to ask ourselves what we can do for our country."

This year several pastors of the area have again planned a community thanksgiving service. With the conviction that Thanksgiving was created to be a national day of giving thanks and not a church day only for Christians, they are trying purposely to assist the residents of the area in coming together for this grand and noble purpose.

Therefore, we are have planned a Community Thanksgiving service, Sunday afternoon at 5:00 P.M., at Village Elementary School gymnasium (Nippersink Rd.), November 19th. At this point the following churches have agreed to help - Abundant Life Church, B’nai Ohr Messianic Jewish Fellowship, Calvary Presbyterian Church, Community Church of Round Lake, Grace Chapel, St. Joseph Catholic Church.

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