So I am about to kick off the last quarter of my 20 week training program, and using a horse racing analogy is apt. Since my marathon race is on the "First Saturday in May", "The Run for the Roses", "The most exciting 2 minutes in sports" or the Kentucky Derby day! I am coming down the homestretch so to speak.
Have 6 games this week, plus a 5, 8, 6 (Yasso 800's) and a 15 miler to do, then the next week I have another big effort for 6, 8 and 20 miles, with 3 games thrown in the mix.
My mileage figures for the last few weeks have been pretty close to what I wanted, although somewhat lower, generally. The last few weeks counting backwards have been 24, 19 (3 games of about 2.5 miles per game), and 29 miles.
The soccer refereeing is disruptive, although I enjoy it. I am not sure I am going to continue in the fall, since I am targeting the Chicago Marathon and will need to be very focused on that, since I want to make a significant move forward in fitness over the summer. I have been reading some excellent books by Matt Fitzgerald on racing weight and training methodology, that have given me some definitive ideas on what I want to do in my next marathon in terms of nutrition and training.
Since this the dawning of a new month as well, a report on my mileage figures for the month have seems appropriate, its been climbing as well, counting backwards, with months of 110, 91, 72 and 46 miles. Surprisingly other then a few blisters on my feet in the same spot on each foot, no physical ills at all.
By the way the picture I got off the Wisconsin Marathon Facebook page and is the numbers for the various races taking place that day, so now I have to coordinate with my colors with black, not a problem.