Thursday, January 4, 2007

American Lung Association Fundraiser

Dear Blog Reader
I have volunteered to help the American Lung Association reach out to the people right here in the Round Lake area who are struggling with asthma, emphysema, lung cancer and other lung disease.

You see, lung disease and breathing problems are the leading cause of infant deaths in the United States.

Thats why I'm hoping that you and our other neighbors will join me in supporting the American Lung Association's Neighborhood Campaign with a gift.

The grim truth is that asthma, the leading serious chronic childhood illness, can kill. And smoking remains the leading cause of preventable death.

But with your support of the Neighborhood Campaign we will fight back, and help our community through research, education and programs that can improve the quality of life for patients and their families.

Won't you make your check payable to the American Lung Association and return it to me at:

Mayor Bill Gentes
Village of Round Lake
442 Cedar Lake Road
Round Lake, IL 60073

Or I can stop by over a weekend to pick up the check if you email me when and where. The bonus to you if I pick them up is I will answer any and all questions you have, not that I need a donation to talk!

I will collect the checks and send it to the American Lung Association.


PS: This is part of my community wellness program and I think it makes good solid sense to support a cause like this. So please help! This is also a great kickoff with the weekend being the first Mayors Run/Walk!

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