Friday, January 12, 2007

2007 Promises to be a Special Planning Year for Round Lake as our Village Approaches its Milestone 100-year Centennial Anniversary!

Note: Mary Barry is an up and coming star in the village, she is recently appointed to the Planning Commission and she has volunteered to help with Streets of Summer, and to top it off she has volunteered to lead our centennial Committee, since we will be 100 in 2008! She also is guest blogger number 3!

Do you want to part of the planning for events taking place throughout 2008? Join the centennial planning committee and be part of the special historical events. The search is on for committee members who want to be involved!
  • Are you Round Lake’s oldest resident?
  • Live in the oldest house in the village?
  • Have a great story about the history of our growing village?
  • Do you have great ideas on how to celebrate?
  • Have ideas on how to commemorate 100 years?
Village officials are hoping this celebration will inspire creative thinking and planning by the residents and businesses of our community. Get your business and neighborhood involved, bring up the celebration at your next civic group meeting. Take part in the action and enjoy the fun this great year promises to be.

If you’d like to be part of he Centennial Committee, please contact Committee Chairperson, Mary Barry at Watch this space, the local newspapers and the village newsletter for upcoming meetings and further announcement information.

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