Monday, September 26, 2005

Ground Breaking at Curran Commons (Curran and 120)

This post could also be entitled. "People with large heads should not wear large hats! At leaast in my case! There was a ground breaking today for Curran Commons which is on the Southeast side of 120 and Curran.

In the first picture I was talking (... its a rare thing!), surely the first thing you thought was what pearls of wisdom was the Mayor dispensing? Well I was illustrating how the village board insisted on Pulte Homes deeding the 5 acres of land to the village in the Bradford Place Subdivision PUD. The subsequent resale of the Curran Commons land netted us just over $740,000 which we used to pay off the $1,070,000 dollars we spent on the 39 acre site where our Police and Public Works site that is now being built. Since then we have now sold approximately 5 acres of the 39 to the Round Lake Area Fire District for $150,000 for a fire station. We have basically bought 39 acres of land for $190,000. Of course I paraphrase because I talked much longer then that!

In the second picture Trustee's Bob Del Prato, Don Newby, Pat Blauvelt, Brian Brubaker, Village Clerk Jeanne Kristan, Finance Director Maggie Molidor, Police Chief Cliff Metaxa and me all dig in to get the project underway!

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