Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Get Informed and Provide Input on Transportation

Transportation is a top strategic priority of the Lake County Board and the County recognizes that part of the solution has to be addressed in Springfield. The County is asking state leaders to approve a capital program that adequately funds all forms of state transportation. Citizens can let their voice be heard on this critical issue by sending an email message to their state legislators, Governor Blagojevich, and state legislative leaders encouraging them to dedicate funding for roads, bridges, and transit across Illinois. Visitors to the County Building in Waukegan can email their state leaders at a computer terminal set up in the lobby which links to

A computer is also accessible in the lobby of the Lake County Division of Transportation in Libertyville. The website is sponsored by the Illinois Road and Transportation Builders Association, whose mission is to protect, improve and promote the transportation design and construction industry in Illinois. After the user enters their contact information, the website determines who their representatives are, and allows them to personalize an email message.

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