Monday, October 15, 2007

Blog Action Day---Lets try to reduce our carbon footprint!

Today is Blog Action Day a worldwide movement that is encouraging all bloggers to write about one topic and one topic only today....the Environment. I love the idea and of course I could write about some of the things we have done here in Round Lake since I have been Mayor, like recycling garbage cans, electronic recycling, and of course Tree City status as well.

There is an interesting website called Zerofootprint which brings together the power of social networks on the web — the best environmental science, risk management and software engineering — to create an environment for change that focuses on an individual's impact as part of the human collective effort.

I signed up for Zerofootprint to see if I could reduce my carbon footprint, and I discovered where there is an outreach to Mayors, so I contacted them to see what's up with that! More to follow, I am sure!

By the way my carbon footprint was 17.4 tons of CO2, my daughters was 14.0.

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