Monday, October 30, 2006

Warning from the Recorder of Deeds for Lake County

Our Village Clerk Jeanne Kristan (pictured) attended the monthly Lake County Clerks meeting where Mary Ellen Vanderventer spoke. Ms Vanderventer is the Lake County Recorder of Deeds. She wanted to pass along some valuable information to residents so Jeanne asked me to mention this.
"Take a moment to call the recorder of deeds at 847-377-2575 and the ask the staff to see if there have been any "liens" placed against your property. Unresolved liens can hold up refinance or selling your home, in addtion many times a lien has been placed on a property and the owner is unaware of it.

Also if you need a copy of your deed the recorders office will send you a certified copy (free for seniors). Please do not fall for recent scams asking for large amounts of money to process your request for a deed, contact the recorders office directly and get it safely and easily."
I recently became aware of liens placed by a concrete company on 37 homeowners because the developer has not been paying the contractor. The village is putting pressure on the builder to bring this matter to a close and have the liens removed quickly. So it can happen to you.

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