Saturday, October 14, 2006

Thoughts on Blogging

I have been reading the comments and have been wondering what I should do about them if anything. I have had this discussion before on the blog about comments and I still think that as long as you follow my relatively simple rules its okay. I do cringe at some of the comments about people on here but I do believe it's a free country.

As a rule of thumb I never respond to comments in the comment section, but I did notice that a thread was broached a few days ago about this blog being a personal vehicle for me. I do recognize that I have an ego, and I can tell you that you better make sure the next mayor has one as well. I digress. I went and counted the last 300 posts I have done which went back roughly to December 2005. I looked for something that did not talk about the village and I counted them.

I found 25 posts or 8% that were all about me with no village influence, and I was scoring generously since I would argue that I appear as the Mayor in a few of the 5K races which made up a few posts and of course the fantasy football posts which are self serving. Most of these posts appear on a weekend as well. The most over the top one is of course the butter post and the egg post that along with this post have gotten me the most comments and traffic.

I also have been told that some people believe that I am going to use this blog as a place to grind home my political agenda during the upcoming trustee elections. Tempting as that is I made a conscious decision a long time ago to say nothing pro or con about trustees, I have broken that rule a few times but I generally think twice and take it down or edit it quickly. I try to just list people who attend events and besides this blog is about me not them. I will write nothing here about the local elections other then a post reminding people to vote.

As many of you know I participate in partisan politics at county, state and federal levels so I went and counted how many posts had a partisan bent to them, I found 2 of the total out of 557 total posts since the inception of this blog that's less then 1%. Those posts by the way were listing a "meet the candidates" before the primary.

I think these numbers indicate that I am meeting my original goals of what the blog should and could be.

Lastly this blog is hosted by Blogger a free software on the internet, we use a pointer off of to get to it. When I decided to do the blog 2 years ago I could not make up my mind if I wanted it to be attached to the village web site or not. My choices were as follows:
  • Link off the page (the current format), the challenge here was that since it would be hosted "quasi officially" I would have to be under control therefore no partisanship, no venting about trustees etc. I ultimately decided that this was the best thing for what I wanted to do with the blog, the blog is about the village and me as the village's Mayor. I think the blog has changed to something different over time which I actually appreciate more then I thought. I also thought that this way would hold down my readership because it would be more corporate.
  • The second method was to do it off site via blogger as something like and vent what I really think. Those of you know me well enough know that with friends I have a sly sense of humor about village business. I ultimately thought the sly, acidy, "call it like I see" it blog would be much more popular. However I also thought that it would not be as effective towards what I wanted to do which was inform people about Round Lake and the surrounding area and let people know what its like to be Mayor.
If you have an issue with what I am trying to do then I am sorry. However I can tell you that I have never received one negative comment to my face nor other then a few comments negative comments about the blog in any other forum. I get more people coming up to me saying "I love the blog keep it up". Or better yet giving me ideas for posts with there questions and concerns. Which of course is ultimately what its all about.

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