Monday, November 5, 2007

Watch out for Deer!

I was driving last night along Fairfield and saw some deer bounding along in the dusk and decided that I would look up some statistics and some safety tips. More than 50,000 drivers will crash into a deer on Illinois highways this year, according to statewide figures from State Farm Insurance claims. That foreshadows chances of a crash occurring among one in 187 drivers. The incidence of car vs. deer encounters is far higher in Michigan at 1 in 86, and Wisconsin clocks in with chances at 1 in 99.
  • Deliberately watch for deer, particularly when driving during peak collision times.
  • Highest-risk periods are from sunset to midnight and the hours shortly before and after sunrise.
  • When driving at night, use high-beam headlights when there is no opposing traffic. The high beams will illuminate the eyes of deer on or near a roadway. Watch for the reflection of deer eyes and for deer silhouettes on the shoulder of the road. High-beam headlights will not necessarily frighten a deer, so do not rely on the high beams to deter deer, but rather rely on the lights to better illuminate the animal.
  • Deer are often unpredictable, especially when faced with glaring headlights, blowing horns and fast-moving vehicles. Sometimes they stop in the middle of the road when crossing or cross quickly and come back. Sometimes they move toward an approaching vehicle. Assume nothing, slow down and blow your horn to urge the deer to leave the road. If the deer stays on the road, stop, put on your hazard lights and wait for the deer to leave the roadway; do not try to go around the deer while it is on the road.
  • Deer frequently travel in groups and in single file. If you see one deer on or near the road, expect that others may follow.
  • Brake firmly when you notice a deer in or near your path, but stay in your lane. Many serious crashes occur when drivers swerve to avoid a deer and hit another vehicle or lose control of their cars.
  • If you do strike a deer, and are uncertain whether or not the deer is dead, then keep your distance, as this is an injured, wild animal with sharp hooves that can inflict injuries. If the deer is blocking the roadway and poses a danger to other motorists, you should report the incident to the Game Commission or a local law enforcement agency.

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