Thursday, November 1, 2007

120 Project Status Update

Recently I got an update from Transcom and the Lake County Department of Transportation on the status of the Illinois Route 120 Corridor Feasibility Study. We have a variety of task forces working on the project and this is an approximation of where we are.

Public Information Task Force
  • Public Information Task Force leading the majority of the work with assistance from Lake County Partners Potential Task Force meeting to be scheduled for November
Environmental & Stormwater Impact Task Force
  • Initial data collection completed including GIS from all task forces Data reviewed and base maps created Field visits by TranSystems and Roux scheduled for October 23 to evaluate sensitive environmental resources.
Land Use, Economic Development & Municipal Impact Task Force
  • Reviewing data collection and task force studies Field visits by TranSystems and Lakota with Task Force Chair Dennis Sandquist scheduled for October 19 to discuss land use studies
Technical Task Force
  • Received traffic data from County
  • Requested traffic data from IDOT
  • Traffic counts for the eastern portion of the corridor completed prior to IL 120 at I-94 construction began
  • Traffic counts for the western portion of the corridor began after the completion of the Fairfield / Gilmer interchange and to be completed by October 18
  • Met with CMAP regarding CMAP preparing regional traffic models for various scenarios
    • Existing 2030 projected with LCTIP IL 53 expressway option and with IL 120 Bypass
    • 2030 projected with LCTIP IL 53 arterial option and with IL 120 Bypass 2030 projected without IL 53 and with IL 120 Bypass
    • 2030 projected without IL 53 and without IL 120 Bypass CMAP has completed the existing model and one of the four projected models and estimates completion of the final three projected models by the end of November
  • TranSystems has begun creating sub-regional traffic models based on CMAP regional traffic models calibrated to provided traffic data and counts
  • Character of Road studies to move forward after further traffic, land use, and financing studies
  • Placement of Road studies to move forward after further character of road and environmental studies

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