Friday, December 19, 2008

Worse/Best TV Show ever!

Over the years I have slowly stopped watching TV, reducing my viewing to sports, and the news. However the promos for one show caught my eye, and my daughters as well, Momma's Boys on NBC. Needless to say we Tivo'ed it and thank god we did, because some of the lines were so priceless we had to replay them a few times.

The premise of the show are three adult men who still live at home with Mommy (that's what they call their mother) are going to chose from 32 high quality young ladies, who range from doctors to convicts and all points in between. The moms live with the 32 girls in some monster mansion on the pacific coast while the three boys live in condos somewhere nearby. At some point the boys kick off the girls one by one, based I would assume on mom's orders. Talk about emasculating!

The highlights/lowlights of the show encompass the following:
  • Creepy audition videos, where one mom asks her son to disrobe so everyone can see his body.
  • Racist creepy audition videos, where one mom disqualifies the entire human race from being with her son.
  • Mothers packing son's clothing for the trip and treating sons like they are in 2nd grade.
  • A highly disturbing girl who has a compulsion to clean up everything, loves ABBA, and is actually my favorite character, she would in my humble opinion be perfect for the three boys.
  • A young lady who has an extreme melt down over a broken shoe heel. She aspires to be a philanthropist when she grows up!
  • Another young lady who has angst about being the Penthouse Pet of the Year and won't talk about it and then another who has no problem talking about herself posing in Playboy.
  • This one was unable to recall what she did for a living.
  • A lady who is a critical care nurse who hates men!
  • Two of the moms look alike so its hard to separate the racist mom from the uber creepy domineering mom extraordinaire without having to concentrate.
  • The girls have alcohol in their hands throughout the entire show, which makes for better TV, and lively interaction amongst the contestants.
Some of the classic lines are:
A female contestant says "I paid for my second boob job with my student loan."

One mom says that she "I call him at least 100 times a day and he answers 100 times a day."
I have no idea what the rules are, nor the actual point of the show, but all that's irrelevant when confronted by what I would guess is the stupidest TV show ever. Therefore highly watchable! Monday night 2 hour episode be there or be square! There is an encore of this episode tonight at 7pm by the way!

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