Saturday, March 7, 2015

Week 11 is a rocky one so far.

So after having three weeks of harder then normal running week 11 is a scale back week. with 4, 8, 3 and 13.1 as my runs. I struggled to do the 8 miler, in fact only making 3 miles, and that took massive "bargaining" just to get that far. Interestingly the day before I had run 4 tempo miles very well and in fact was about 10 seconds off my best 5k pace for the whole 4 miles. My guess is I overdid it with the 4 mile tempo run.

I decided to let the dismal 8 mile attempt go and just move on, so on Friday I had a good weight lifting session in the morning, and then in the evning my daughter convinced me to go to the gym with her. So I ended up running a 5K in at 37 minutes with a quarter mile walking warm-up. So go figure.

This weekend I am refereeing an indoor soccer tourney in Wisconsin, these games tend to be stationary, with limited running, unlike an outdoor game where I can get 4-5 miles in. So I may do my speed work on a treadmill at the hotel (5 x 1000 with 2 minute recoveries) and then the 13 miler when I get home in the evening on Sunday.

As for the rest of me, weight is slowly dropping off me as I train, I am down 6 pounds since the start of the program in middle December (226-220) and 36 since January 2014. The weight training is paying off my arms, chest and back all feel fine and are more toned. I do limited work with my legs, I do squats 1-2 times a week, and they seem to help, since my legs have consistently been in good shape throughout this training.

When/if I continue the marathon plan towards Chicago this fall, I need to address my nutrition plan, and what I eat, because I can tell when I eat crap I feel like crap. That is however going to have to wait until I get better organized with this process.

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