Currently training for the Chicago Marathon in October 2015. Enjoy my running diary. Sidenote:I was the first mayor in the United states to write an everyday blog, although I am no longer a mayor this is that blog.
Thursday, November 30, 2006
Round Lake Neighbors....a new website!
Wednesday, November 29, 2006
Wellness-- Tenatative 5K dates and "Run with the Mayor"
I spent the morning trying to figure out a schedule that works for my life and 4 Saturday's for the Mayoral 5K series. I think I have come up with something that might be workable.
The Mayoral 5K series will be 4 races held in the 4 majors areas of the community. (Valley Lake's, Lakewood, Madrona, and Downtown.) The dates will be Sunday's February 11, May 13, July 22 and September 23. These race dates are up in the air still, if you have an event for your HOA that might partner up with me, I would love that.
If I can get sponsorship to cover it, I am going to try to make the race free to Round Lake residents and $15 to non-residents or something like that. I also would like to award trophy's to the winners and the overall champions in the various age groups.
I am setting aside the first Saturday of every month at 7am for the run/walk with the Mayor. My goal is to run 2 miles from 7:00am to 7:20am at a nice steady 10-12 minute mile pace (closer to jogging) that way I can talk (assuming anyone wants to talk) and run at the same time. The from 7:30 to 8:00 walk the same course. So if you compete in both you will get four miles in. I am going to move these around from neighborhood to neighborhood. I think its an excellent venue for people from other areas to learn about and meet there neighbors, plus I can listen to issues and hopefully solve some of them.
The first one will be January 6th at 7am and I will do it in Madrona, meeting at the park.
Tuesday, November 28, 2006
Make your Yard into a Nature Habitat-- One Lady Has!
Anyway back to Ms. Krueger's garden, it has its own web page with a listing of features, species sighted, and lots of pictures. What a very clever idea. I also scanned the steps to get certified as a Habitat and it seemed straight forward.
There is also a page to certify an entire community. Which is interesting and leads me to wonder if there would be some interest in doing it as a community. Comments or emails are welcome as always.
Monday, November 27, 2006
Interesting Occurance
So I was going to casually never speak of this to anyone ever again. However something came up that's kinda interesting, and of course is to good a story to bury in my Internet shame. Over the last year my traffic has been steadily climbing and my highs (not my old highs) were around 330. Then as we got to the middle of the month my traffic which has been edging higher over the last 4-5 weeks by about 10-15 visits a day, jumped by about 10% to a high of 388, 399, 424, 528, 848, 1,808 and then 2,289. You can see the giant spike in the accompanying graphic. One hour got me 249 users, which was equal to the entire amount of visitors last Friday
The numbers made me think I had screwed something up again and of course sent me looking for a new hit counter, however has a section where I can look at where my traffic is coming from, and 50% to 70% was coming from a search for a picture I used on Thanksgiving Day 2005. The picture is shown below.
Apparently this image is appearing on the first page for google images when you search for images of Thanksgiving. So the traffic is all going to the archive page for November 2005. Not for my brilliant witty observations on the state of Round Lake but rather for a turkey!
Saturday, November 25, 2006
Early Morning Walk
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Happy Thanksgiving (600th Post as well)!
Today is the 600th post of this blog, I thought I had missed the actual date, because I actually have 624 posts, but I counted earlier this week and 24 of them are drafts. I have so many draft posts, because until the events are over, I will not reveal my thoughts. Its awful when you have a big mouth and you have to learn to keep it shut!
Huge blog traffic this last week, I will reveal its reason on Monday's post I think, although I may write something sooner.
Wednesday, November 22, 2006
SWALCO Dates for 2007
January 9th
March 13th
May 8th
July 10th
September 11th
November 13th
Further information may be found at
Tuesday, November 21, 2006
Wellness Plans
- Running four 5k's in the neighborhood was well received, some residents suggested some enhancements like sponsorship, (I already have one offer from the founders of to sponsor some things in exchange for their logo on shirts. A points series open to RL residents (sort of like NASCAR for age groups) with trophies given out to the winners and over all champions!
- Making Round Lake smoke free, which seems to be a move sweeping the county and the state. I am not sure of all the ins and outs of this right now and am going to talk to the village board about there thoughts as well.
- Hosting monthly run/walks in the various neighborhoods of Round Lake. To encourage neighborliness and fitness amongst residents.
- There was a call for eating healthy as well, I am not sure how a challenge could do that but it bears scrutiny.
- Another idea was to challenge neighborhood vs neighborhood in a walk-a-thon, how many miles each neighborhood walks or runs in a given time period. Or we could all issue a challenge to another community in the county to walk.
Please feel free to send me any ideas or improvements, I am going to do my first run/walk with the Mayor on January 6th! I think I will start them at 8am and jog for 20 minutes with a group of runners and then walk 30 minutes with the walkers. As for where I am going to do it! Invite me, otherwise I will pick a location and rotate from there each month.
Also I am looking for volunteers to coordinate this for me, since I have zero budget, I am going to hustle up some local sponsors, for signs, shirts, trophies and timing devices, but anyone with some energy and who wants to help, would be more then welcome! Please email me if you are interested in helping.
Monday, November 20, 2006
Directory of Labels So far
NOTE: For some reason I messed up the links this morning so you merely have a list with a count until I can get some time to figure out who this is supposed to work.
- 120 Bypass (48)
- About this Blog (22)
- Avon Township (8)
- Being Mayor (187)
- Bonds (10)
- Bradford Place (3)
- Bright Meadows (8)
- Building Department (4)
- Community Events (37)
- Downtown Development District (23)
- Elections (6)
- Fish Tank (5)
- Football (21)
- Fremont Township (3)
- Grant Township (13)
- HOA's (6)
- Housing (7)
- Impact Fees (3)
- Lake County Issues (3)
- Lakewood Homes (15)
- Library Things (13)
- Madrona Homes (31)
- Park District (46)
- Police Department (46)
- Public Works (56) Racing (14)
- Round Lake History (4)
- Route 60 (25)
- Running (20)
- School Districts (28)
- Silly (3)
- Soccer (5)
- Special Census (2)
- Taxs (2)
- Transportation (47)
- Treehouse in the Woods (5)
- Valley Lakes (35)
- Village Board (80)
- Vital Safety Information (1)
- Water Issues (9)
- Wellness (2)
- WRLR Radio (16)
Sunday, November 19, 2006
Fantasy Football Update
Tim Orris 8-2-0
Bill Gentes 7-3-0
Bob Stone 7-3-0
Michael Blum 6-4-0
Al Villasenor 5-5-0
Davis Clark 5-5-0
Sean Gilette 4-6-0
Terry Vandenboom 3-7-0
Paul Hollingsworth 2-8-0
Top six teams make the playoffs and there are three weeks left in the fantasy season. So everyone has a mathematical chance to get it done. Top two teams get first round byes so there is some competition at the top as well.
Saturday, November 18, 2006
Thanksgiving Service this Sunday--Being Thankful!
Friday, November 17, 2006
Metropolitan Mayors Forum on Housing
The Metropolitan Mayors Caucus is sponsoring a December Housing Forum "Supporting Workforce Housing Deals in Our Own Backyard: A Conversation with Mayors and Developers on the Give and Take in a Changing Environment." Co-Chairs of the Caucus' Housing Committee, Mayor Zenovia G. Evans of Riverdale and Mayor Rita L. Mullins of Palatine. I am planning on attending to see if there are answers to the questions!
This forum will be an opportunity for Mayors and Homebuilders to discuss the questions above, focusing on:
- The changing housing market and how it will affect housing production.
- Innovative local and regional housing issues and efforts, including: interjurisdictional initiatives; fee negotiations; community acceptance of housing policies and developments; school funding debates; and housing preservation.
While I think our housing stock is moving in a differnt direction it was fascinating to hear about this issue that affects western Lake County in a big way.
Thursday, November 16, 2006
The Power of Three- Special Census Numbers are in!
This was the second census we have done in my five and half years as Mayor. First some facts about the special census and some information on the process.
- The reason so many municipalities do a special census is because MFT (Motor Fuel Tax) funds from the state of Illinois are based on population and the most recent census numbers are used.
- On the average we get between $100 and $120 per person per year from the state in MFT funds. Our recent money was based on the most recent census figures (2003 special census) of 10,100.
- The 2003 special census took us from 5,400 to 10,100, so the next fiscal year we got an additional $120 x 4,700 people or an additional $564,000 to the village starting in fiscal year 2004.
- The best part about this is we receive $564,000 more every single fiscal year until the 2010 census, which is an additional $3.38 million.
Some random thoughts about the numbers.
- From 2004 until today we gained 6,315 people, more then the village population in 2000. (62 percent growth in 2 years)
- From 2000 until 2006 we gained 10,815 people. (303% growth!)
Wednesday, November 15, 2006
Halloween Contest at Madrona
Tuesday, November 14, 2006
Is a Healthier Round Lake Possible?
Which got me thinking about having a series of 5K Run/Walks. I spent a few minutes diagramming a couple on this marvelous google based software that I use called that measures runs using GPS. I designed three 5K routes and would propose a fourth, there are some logistical issues route design must take into account as I discovered when I worked on these.
- Tour de Lakewood & Prairie Walk (route here)
- Tour de Madrona (route here)
- Tour de Valley Lakes (route here)
- Tour of Old Town and Bright Meadows (not done yet)
If you have any other wellness ideas please forward them to me at
Monday, November 13, 2006
Potential Lakewood SSA Bond Refinancing?
Now fast forward 5 years later, Lakewood is built out, Fremont Township's assessments are some of the highest around, and the SSA is tacked on. You get high tax bills.
I have been working with some Lakewood residents who have contacted me about some issues specific to their homes and purchases, so it has led me to doing some global thinking about how we can lighten the load for the Lakewood Homeowners with the SSA's currently in place.
Speaking with the company that handles our bonds, Speer Financial, they were of the opinion that currently there is the ability to "refinance" the existing bonds. While not going into the obscure technical details we can reduce the interest rate by almost two points. At the moment with some quick calculations this can reduce the SSA total by $3.6 million over the life of the SSA.
Obviously a potential saving to the residents of Lakewood of any amount on their tax bills would be a positive. I am not sure how much impact this would be on the tax bill but we are going to find out.
I directed the Village Board Finance Committee chaired by Trustee Sherry Perkowitz and with Vice Chair Trustee Brian Brubaker to look into this and report back to the board as quickly as they can to see if this is feasible and firm up the process so we can act to cut the total owed and the rate.
Sunday, November 12, 2006
Challenging Test
So to play...Click Here!
Saturday, November 11, 2006
Blogger Issues
Friday, November 10, 2006
Blog Changes
Thursday, November 9, 2006
120 Corridor Planning Council Last Night
Get involved with Route 120 planning
The need for improved east-west corridors through Lake County becomes crystal clear as more than 500,000 motorists sit in traffic each day in a county that's one of the fastest growing in the state.
In particular, Route 120 from Green Bay Road in Waukegan in the east to the McHenry County line in the west, was identified as the number one priority at last year's Lake County Transportation Summit; part of a bipartisan effort to combine Lake County's 12 votes in Springfield to more effectively deal with transportation issues.
While the Lake County and Illinois Departments of Transportation pinpointed Route 120 as a critical traffic bottleneck, hundreds of residents also have expressed their concern by speaking at public forums and by posting Web site comments.
A state grant to begin feasibility planning for improving the corridor has recently been approved. The targeted area traverses Waukegan, Libertyville, Gurnee, Wauconda, Mundelein, Hainesville, Round Lake, Round Lake Park, Volo and Grayslake. In addition, we have obtained $2 million in federal funding for engineering.
While support for the Route 120 corridor has been overwhelming, some questions still exist that should be addressed.
First: the Route 120 corridor has no connection to plans for the extension of Route 53 -- an issue that has been shelved in Springfield for lack of a budget and has had a polarizing effect on residents. That said, highways can't be built in a vacuum. Existing Route 53 rights-of-way will be considered in the planning of Route 120 in order to save time and taxpayer dollars, and plans must incorporate north-south connections along Route 120, whether or not Route 53 is built. And while all sorts of options are being studied, the possibilities of roundabouts and other ways to speed traffic flow must be considered only in the context of future growth.
Second: although feasibility studies have not yet begun, residents have weighed in with assumptions and dire predictions about the effects of the corridor on area homeowners and visiting wildlife. While the exact location of Route 120 has not been determined, every effort will be made to ensure that the corridor is planned with care and an eye to protecting the quality of life as well as our precious natural resources.
To get the facts about the Route 120 planning and implementation process, we urge you to get involved. Meetings of the Route 120 Corridor Planning Council are open to the public; the dates are posted regularly in this newspaper and on the Web site,
There, you''ll also find detailed information about the Route 120 corridor. Let's act now to ease traffic congestion and make Lake County a more enjoyable place to live and work.
Bill Gentes
Mayor of Round Lake
Chair, 120 Corridor Planning Council
Member, Executive Committee Lake County Transportation Alliance
Wednesday, November 8, 2006
Tune in to WRLR -- 98.3 FM-- For complete election coverage!
I was on from 7 to 11 last night, and had a great time. Sean Gilette was there all evening with me, and was excellent! Chris Thelen was patient and prepared as always, and Bish and all his group of volunteers did a great job keeping us informed. The national races were interesting and I was able to talk about a lot of the house and senate races that were key in shaping the new House of Representatives and as of this moment the "sort of" shaping of the new Senate (still waiting on Virginia and Montana Senate races). The hardest part for me was keeping my rabid partisanship under control. Two democrats called me to tell me that I was syncophantic towards republicans so I must have done a good job.
There were some exciting local races to talk about, and I am going to blog about what they mean for us in a post later on this week.
Tuesday, November 7, 2006
New Trustee Named
I have tried to recruit a new type of person to our village boards and commissions and I am very happy to have had the opportunity to bring Michael on to our board. He is the first trustee from Madrona and I am excited to finally have representation from this important area.
The Daily Herald weighs in on the appointment here.
I was just counting up how many people I appoint to boards and positions in the village and I came up with 33 positions, and you know what? I have appointed 32 of them. The exception is Ed Amman who has now served on the Round Lake Planning/Zoning Commission for 7 full terms and is a few years into his 8th. Just so you know what that means, each term is 7 years long so he is over 52 years of service to the village.
Monday, November 6, 2006
The Train Engine at the Bottom of Round Lake
On the site of today's Alpine Country Club used to exist the Armour Ice House. There are two pictures of the actual ice house from 1912 in this post as well.
Ice houses were buildings used to store ice throughout the year, prior to the invention of the refrigerator. The most common designs involved underground chambers, usually man-made, which were built close to natural sources of winter ice such as freshwater lakes (i.e. Round Lake)
During the winter, ice and snow would be taken into the ice house and packed with insulation, often straw or sawdust. It remained frozen for many months, often until the following winter, and could be used as a source of ice during summer months. This could be used simply to cool drinks, or allow ice-cream and sorbet desserts to be prepared.
You can still see evidence of the rail spur, which is still existent. When our downtown development district gets cooking (it will) one of the goals for this area is to make a nice walking path from the older area of Round Lake into our downtown.
So here's how the train engine got to the bottom of the lake, with the advent of refrigeration the ice house business collapsed quickly in the late 20's and with the depression, business contracted even quicker. So when the decision not to continue with the ice house was made, the question was what do to with the equipment. So legend has it that when the last ice cutting season was finished the engine was parked on the ice, and allowed to fall in when the ice melted.
Sunday, November 5, 2006
Wine Tasting Questionnaire?
SEDOL Winetasting Fundraiser Last Night
SEDOL is the Special Education District of Lake County, a cooperative educational system working with 36 local school districts to serve their physically, mentally, and emotionally challenged students. They serve all the districts in Round Lake (all 9 of them) so its a very important organization educationally here in the area.
I saw a few people of interest John Burnett who is SEDOL board member and former president, and is building the Goddard school off of Townline road in Round Lake. Along with an old friend State Representative Kathy Ryg. Also Park District Board member, and Round Lake Planning commissioner Barb Daudelin and her husband Dave were there as well.
Friday, November 3, 2006
Don't Forget to Vote
The county has a variety of races for Clerk, Treasurer and Sheriff, all seem highly competetive. The one for sheriff is the most highly charged with Gary Del Re vs Mark Curran vs Sharron Narod vs Willard Helander the other.
If you don't know where you should vote click this link for directions.
Thursday, November 2, 2006
Save the Date for the Round Lake Christmas Tree Lighting
We also have a special guest arrive to usher in the season the appropriate way! Overall its a nice family gathering, so please save the date and come share the joy of the season with your neighbors. Last years tree lighting post gives a clue on the special guest!
Wednesday, November 1, 2006
We are a Series of Beats!
For those of you wondering what beat you are in, as I was, here is a description. For those of you who want a visual representation of where the beat boundaries are I will send you a PDF map if you email me.
Beat 1I will write a little bit more about these as we get closer to the actual dates.
From Park Road on the north to Route 120 on the south. From our neighbor, Round Lake Park on the east to Fairfield Road on the west.
Beat 2
From Route 134 on the north to the southernmost section of Valley Lakes subdivision. From Fairfield Road on the east to our village limits on the west.
Beat 3
Everyone south of Route 120.